因縁 Bot
a CaiOwe/OweCai bot

About the bot

This is a bot by a fan for fans, so if you have any questions or inquiries I'd be grateful if you let me know!All quotes and events added in the bot have been sourced in this carrd, along with explicit permission I've been given by the translators for those stories. If a translators suddenly wants me to take down any of these lines, I simply will do as they ask.
Pre-answered questions
Why is the bot called "innen"? Innen is the name in japanese the official Mahoyaku team gave to Owen and Cain's pair. It's a universal term that won't cause confusion nor spelling conflict in how the ship must be ordered like (as in, Cain first or Owen first). It is also widely used by the japanese fandom and the word that appears to describe their relationship in the game's pair badge!
How often does the bot tweet? Once every hour!
Can you add (story) quotes to the bot? Sure, but you need to send me the translator's site so I can contact them to ask for permission. If the permission is denied, those quotes won't appear in this bot.
Does this bot follow back? Nope.
Are your DMs in this account open? Yes!
Can you tell me where this quote is? Sure! Send a DM with a link to the tweet from the bot and I will gladly tell you. Those are listed in the quote page, though.
Does this bot automatically reply? Nope!
The bot isn't running... It's probably Twittbot being weird again. It'll be back soon.
Quotes' sources
Here you'll find all the events and stories the quotes are taken from. Because of carrd limit reasons, I won't add every quote here, but instead the stories names with links for where to read them and their corresponding translator.
More quotes will be added with time. Thank you for your patience!